About the book: Z is for Moose written by Kelly Bingham and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky. This hilarious book about the alphabet, keeping things in order, and friendship is sure to be a hit with toddlers.
Objective: Predict what will happen next in the story and discuss how Zebra made Moose feel better.
TEKS: Reading – Kindergarten – Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies -predict what might happen next in the text based on cover, title, and illustrations and ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud; Grade 1 -Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies – confirm predictions of what will happen next; Grade 2 – Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies – use ideas to make and confirm predictions.
Modifications: Depending on grade level and ability of students have students work in small groups or one on one.
Materials: book Z is for Moose, paper, pencils, and colors
Introduction: read Z is for Moose to students
Body: While reading book discuss what will happen next using clues from book. Example questions: What comes after A? What are some objects that start with the letter D? Is Z for moose? Check students predictions as you read and continue to make more predictions throughout the text.
Conclusion: Have students draw a picture of alternate pages for the book, for example A is for automobile.
Assessment: Were students able to make predictions that made sense?
Objective: Predict what will happen next in the story and discuss how Zebra made Moose feel better.
TEKS: Reading – Kindergarten – Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies -predict what might happen next in the text based on cover, title, and illustrations and ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud; Grade 1 -Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies – confirm predictions of what will happen next; Grade 2 – Knowledge and Skills – Beginning Reading Strategies – use ideas to make and confirm predictions.
Modifications: Depending on grade level and ability of students have students work in small groups or one on one.
Materials: book Z is for Moose, paper, pencils, and colors
Introduction: read Z is for Moose to students
Body: While reading book discuss what will happen next using clues from book. Example questions: What comes after A? What are some objects that start with the letter D? Is Z for moose? Check students predictions as you read and continue to make more predictions throughout the text.
Conclusion: Have students draw a picture of alternate pages for the book, for example A is for automobile.
Assessment: Were students able to make predictions that made sense?