She laughed loudly. “That’s an understatement, child. The boy lived in water till ’e was five. ’e was devastated to learn that school for human lads wasn’t quite like schools of fish. Still swims every mor’n fer hours.” She paused for a moment and then went on. “I suppose you’ve heard Mrs. O’Leary call ’im Ronan.”
I nodded.
“That name, it means ‘little seal.’ I’n’t the strangest? This boy spends more time in the water than out. And there’s little Mrs. O’Leary, calling ’im the wrong name that means ‘little seal.’”
I nodded.
“That name, it means ‘little seal.’ I’n’t the strangest? This boy spends more time in the water than out. And there’s little Mrs. O’Leary, calling ’im the wrong name that means ‘little seal.’”